(A Common Sense Approach)

salaphysics is dedicated to exploring how physics can be shown to work when observation and common sense, rather than mathematical analysis, is applied to resolve various problems.

This web page is an introduction to the salaphysics science curriculum (lessons and other materials).

Most of the information will be presented as lessons that are available on-line and will rely heavily on the written word.  It is not the intent of the salaphysics curriculum to make the learning of physics easier for you...or harder.  But, until you can at least explain a concept to yourself, using the 'King's English', it's a pretty sure bet that you don't really understand the concept all that well. 

Pictures are good but, even the best pictures are usually cartoonishly simple, incomplete and often misleading.  So, pictures will be used sparingly and only to set up situations, not to try to resolve them.

Videos will be referenced frequently to show (usually) problems with how physics is taught in the conventional science curriculum. The video format is not used in the salaphysics curriculum as it's too easy to just watch a video and then move on without giving much thought to the content or message. It's felt that text-based lessons will morce the student to be more analytical in order to be able to complete the lesson.

In these 'connected times', it's assumed that students using the salaphysics curriculum will have and routinely use computers and 'smart phones' for much of the work they do. So, it will be expected that, even though salaphysics lessons wont be presented as videos, the students' assignments will...and that their own work will be subject to being referenced and cited in other students' assignments.

The lessons in the core salaphysics cuuriculum should be taken in order.  Later lessons assume that you have completed the earlier lessons and that you understand the principles in them. Other related salaphysics lessons will frequently be referenced (whole or in part) to support the lesson being presented.

All materials are copyrighted by salaphysics. If you find the information of use and would like to incorporate any or all of it into your own presentations or programs, please contact the webmaster of this site or my estate.

NOTE:  No Actual lessons Available Yet.
But, some preliminary material is.

Introductory Lessons
Size Scales
Impedance and the Impedance Mismatch
How and Why Things Move
Waves and Wavelengths
Precision Motion and Measurement
Masking Effects
The Scientific Method

Lessons Related to Sound
The Characteristics of Air
Air Pressure
Sound Propagation in Air
Speed of Sound
Too Much Power
Sound Propagation in Other Mediums

Lessons Related to Electricity and Electronics
Problems with Ohm's Law
Paradox of the Crystal Sets

Lessons Related to Light
The Photon
Speed of Light
The Black Body Radiator
Perspective and Image Magnification
Paradox of the Prism

Lessons Related to Dark Matter Effects
Dark Matter as a Liquid
The Nature of Gravity
Propagation of Light and Other Light-Speed Events

Additional Topics
Mack Trucks, Firecrackers and Bull Whips
The Air Compressor
Adiabatic Heating and Cooling
The Refrigeration Cycle
On the Validity of Wind Tunnel Testing
Styrofoam Cooler
Bass Reflex Speakers
The "Electromagnetic Spectrum"
Inductors and Transformers
The Spark Gap Transmitter
Vacuum Tubes
The Perfectly Insulated Room
Still Too Much Power
The Color, Purple
Problems with Einstein's e=mc2
Speed of Light in Different Mediums
Nuclear Radiation
The Aether
The Expanding Universe
Gravity as a Cooling Force
The Solar Sail

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